International Equity Investment Assets

Central State Financial LTD wealth advisors are proud to serve the wealth management needs of an international pool of clients that seek investment opportunities both within and outside of their home jurisdictions.

The rapid opening of the international markets to foreign investment capital over the past twenty years has facilitated new opportunities for all investors in international equity assets.


In response to our clients’ requests, Central State Financial LTD has formed an internal group of wealth advisors, researchers, and analysts that share extensive experience in international investments. We apply the same rigorous novel approach to analyze international equity assets as we do with all assets that we might recommend to our clients. We have also formed affiliations with consultants and advisors in all major financial centers to bring us a grass roots picture of the environments in which companies operate. This gives us a complete picture of international equity prospects and keeps our clients abreast of both internal and external sources of pressure that might affect the intrinsic values of their international investments.

The categorization of international equity assets in small, mid-cap, or large capitalization opportunities can be more fluid in the international arena due to differing disclosure obligations and interlocking entities that sometimes obscure the company’s total capitalization. Our advisors and research analysts stay attentive to this issue and adjust Central State Financial LTD proprietary research strategies to reflect the information that may be available to them.

Key Aspects of Central State Financial LTD International Equity Asset Research Protocol

  • Two similarly-situated companies can present very different risk profiles as a function of whether they are in an established or an emerging market. We approach each potential investment with a clear picture of the asset’s marketplace
  • Our research analysts remain keenly aware of the insider status of management, regardless of how experienced management might be
  • We examine public-private partnerships that can artificially inflate values of international assets
  • Potential government intervention and political instability can have an outsized effect in certain markets

International Equity

Depending on the client’s wealth management plan, our advisors will select a group of high-value assets in international markets that show the greatest potential for long-term growth. We use that plan to identify countries and regions that reflect a matching stability profile and to avoid high levels of risk.

From that group, we identify assets that are objectively poised to benefit from the expansion phase of an ongoing industry sector or general economic cycle. We then monitor the asset to determine the best exit strategy that adds value to a client’s portfolio in accordance with the edicts of the client’s plan.

Our advisors focus on a company’s growth and earnings, but are always cognizant of the need to due extra due diligence to verify the legitimacy of reported numbers. This often involves comparisons with other companies in the sector to determine if all companies are reporting within a common range. We use statistical modeling to confirm the reliability of any company results that fall outside of a defined range.

We caution our clients that international equity assets may not be appropriate for their portfolios, notwithstanding a higher risk tolerance that might be part of their overall plans. International market volatility, regulatory uncertainty, external forces that do not affect more established markets, and unstable political environments can drive even the most intelligent investors to make decisions based on emotions rather than objective data and analysis. Accordingly, an allocation of a portion of a portfolio into international equity assets will be appropriate for the most disciplined investors.

For those investors, our advisors provide special insights into political, economic, and other considerations that are drawn from our local offices and affiliations in the markets in which our clients invest. Situations in those markets can change rapidly, and our goal will always be to help our clients to realize the highest possible growth and returns without any erosion of the underlying value of their portfolios.  

Contact Info

110 North Wacker Drive
Suite 2500 - #1000
Chicago, IL 60606

+1 (888) 235-3660

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