
Many UHNW individuals create legacies through their philanthropic activities.

Central State Financial LTD wealth advisors respect these passions and purposes and help to integrate them into the investor’s overall wealth management plan in ways that achieve the greatest good for both the investor and the recipients of the investor’s largesse.


Philanthropy encompasses everything from anonymous donations to legacy bequests that memorialize the investor for decades to come. When addressing philanthropic goals, our advisors determine the nature and extent of an individual’s perceived involvement in the charitable foundation or cause. Those elements are driven by a client’s motives and expectations, as well as the client’s desire to leave a lasting impact that goes beyond the creation of significant business and personal wealth.

We verify that a client’s philanthropic giving is impactful and consistent with the client’s expectations for uses of funds. Our advisors bring like-minded philanthropists and causes into each engagement to provide examples of other successful philanthropic plans and campaigns and to spark better ideas for giving and legacy creation.


Where philanthropy is directed at the arts, educational institutions, or special purpose foundations, we use our international affiliations to introduce our clients to board members, trustees, and chancellors that can help to direct a donor’s funds to their best purposes. We form alliances with appraisers and art houses that can provide valuations of fine art and similar assets that will be included with contributions. We assist in the management and safekeeping of collections and in the restoration of one-of-a-kind pieces.   

Central State Financial LTD Philosophy of Charitable Giving

When charitable giving is incorporated into a wealth management plan, the donor will have better assurances that charitable funds will be put to their optimum use when giving is fully structured and consistent with the recipient’s needs. Our advisors provide a valuable and objective interface between a UHNW client and a charitable foundation to ensure the realization of the maximum value of a charitable gift. Where donations are in-kind, we structure giving to account for capital gains within the greater structure of the client’s wealth management plan.


UHNW clients can create lasting legacies by creating charitable foundations and other entities to control donations, both during and after their lifetimes. Our advisors help to form those foundations with the most effective and efficient structures to deliver benefits to the investor and his or her family that go beyond the value of the gifts themselves, and to provide assurances that gifts are put to their intended purposes. 

Contact Info

110 North Wacker Drive
Suite 2500 - #1000
Chicago, IL 60606

+1 (888) 235-3660

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