Vertical Income Management Services

Certain investors will benefit more from portfolio management services that focus on yield and returns regardless of the capital structures of the portfolio’s asset holdings.

Rather than forming a portfolio with a specific balance of equity and debt instruments, our wealth advisors establish a target yield (generally above the Consumer Price Index or some other official statistic), then select a blend of assets to deliver that yield. 


The investor’s portfolio will then include a combination of strategic and tactical assets that are selected to maintain the overall value of a portfolio while simultaneously adding alpha through opportunistic selections that Central State Financial LTD research analysts identify. A portfolio that is driven by a vertical income management philosophy will frequently track business and economic cycles, The portfolio’s manager will actively reallocate investments as cycles top out to maintain overall performance that meets or exceeds the target yield. 

Contact Info

110 North Wacker Drive
Suite 2500 - #1000
Chicago, IL 60606

+1 (888) 235-3660

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