
No comprehensive wealth management plan is complete without an estate plan that transfers assets to heirs through trusts and other mechanisms.

Central State Financial LTD wealth advisors work with UHNW clients to craft estate plans that combine testamentary trusts and associated wills. We work with an experienced team of estate and trust counsel to assist in the formation of tax advantaged trusts that pass property outside of estate tax rules and regulations. We focus on trust structures and tax benefits in all jurisdictions in which the investor has property or otherwise conducted business and use our international alliances to formulate optimal trust processes that respond to each investor’s individual circumstances.


Our advisors are also sensitive to an investor’s desire to pass wealth to individuals that may be outside of an immediate family. We help to erect testamentary trusts for those persons that can withstand all challenges. We also establish trusts to generate regular income for disabled family members.

The Central State Financial LTD Approach to Tax Advantaged Allocation of Family Income

Central State Financial LTD erects all trust mechanisms to account for a transfer of assets with a minimum of tax and regulatory burdens. We begin that process outside of a trust with allocations of assets and income among family members that reflect tax-advantaged realization of capital gains. Our trust recommendations then reflect all tax laws and regulations from multiple jurisdictions that might have a tax claim against the investor and his or her heirs. Wealth advisors that build trusts =outside of a broader wealth management plan typically overlook these options.


In the aggregate, the trust mechanisms that we develop can help families to save tens of thousands of estate tax dollars.

The Central State Financial LTD Approach to Business Succession Strategies

UHNW investors can best accomplish the transfer of ownership and management of family businesses when they initiate that transfer process well before the transfer will occur. Effective transfer planning has psychological and economic benefits for all parties, and Central State Financial LTD incorporate transfer planning into all aspects of the wealth management plans that it helps to create.


Ownership and management transfers can alienate some family members who are omitted from the succeeding ownership group. We confer with UHNW clients to anticipate these and other problems and we develop strategies to accommodate differing interests and successor demands. The end result if a transition plan that places management and ownership of a family business into the hands of the individuals that are best able to continue the growth and expansion of the business..


A key part of this process is communicating information to all parties that might have an interest in the succession. Central State Financial LTD advisors review and monitor succession planning at all phases to ensure that all information is passed without distortion, that explanations for major decisions are objective and well-reasoned, and that every person is treated fairly and equitably as the circumstances might allow.


The business succession plans that our advisors create under the larger umbrella of an investor’s wealth and asset management eliminate all surprises and prepare all family members for every aspect of a transition.


The Central State Financial LTD Approach to Property Valuation

Establishing a fair value for real estate and other assets in a trust and estate plan can avoid recriminations and charges of unfairness and unjust treatment. If an investor owns real property that is used for meetings, our advisors rely on that usage to establish values through a property’s ability to generate tangible revenue. Often, this process will direct our wealth advisors to configure properties as business assets and to place those assets into special purpose entities that are then managed as regular businesses.


Where multiple family members utilize the same properties, we assist in the establishment of co-ownership agreements, and we use those agreements to allocate responsibility for taxes and other expenses among beneficiaries. To the extent that all of these mechanisms are fully transparent, we reduce rancor and challenges to valuations.

Contact Info

110 North Wacker Drive
Suite 2500 - #1000
Chicago, IL 60606

+1 (888) 235-3660

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